Daily Horoscope

Monday 7 July 2014

Rahu Ketu Dosha

Rahu Ketu dosham and Kalasarpa dosham Pariharam and Poojas

rahu ketu

Navagraha dosha or the Raghu and Ketu dosha are caused due to the inauspicious planetary positions of Rahu and Ketu in a persons horoscope. The first and the foremost thing what this Rahu Ketu dosham does is it delays the marriage of the person. The person finds it difficult to get the same horoscope match of the boy or girl. There are remedies to these doshas by which one can avoid the evil results of planets like Rahu and Ketu. Read the article and do the Rahu Ketu dosha pariharam and get married soon.

Remedies for Rahu dosham

Rahu, one of the navagrahas and an inauspicious planet causes many problems to the person when it is in an inauspicious place in the horoscope. Below are the best remedies for Rahu dosham, we can also call it as Rahu dosha pariharam in tamil.

• Donate iron weapons and iron sheets.

• Donate blue colored clothes and blankets.

• Sesame seeds and mustard oil, red coloured cereals can also be donated.

• Donate electrical equipments.

• Donate coconut and radish.

Some other Remedies for Rahu dosha

1. The person who has Rahu dosham should be in fasting on all the Saturdays to cool the Lord Rahu.

2. Donate rice to the poor and Brahmins.

3. Offer a helping hand to people suffering from leprosy.

4. Help the poor women to get married by offering them money or anything which is needed by them.

5. You can also donate a pillow in which you slept on the next morning.

rahu ketu

Remedies for Rahu Dasha

1. If you are affected with Rahu try to stop drinking alcohol and taking tobacco as it will even worsen the effects of Rahu.

2. It is better to live separately if you live in joint family because during this Rahu dasha there may be misunderstandings in your family.

Remedies for Ketu dosham

Rahu and Ketu are from the same family to cause Naga dosham. If Ketu is placed in a inauspicious place in the horoscope it creates problem for the person. Inorder to reduce the evil results done by Ketu the only thing one can do is the charity. It is the only pariharam for Ketu dosham. Things which can be given as charity are as follows:

• Goat

• Calf

• Blankets

• iron weapons

• sesame

• grey coloured materials

To calm Ketu Some other remedies for Ketu dosha are

• Donate blankets to the Navagraha temple

• Donate money to the Navagraha temple.

• Help the poor, aged and diseased people.

Remedies for Ketu Dasha

The best and effective remedy during Ketu Dasha is to observe fast. You can fast on Tuesdays and Saturdays so that it may cool the Lord. Donate rice to poor people and also do poojas to the cow.

Remedies for Kalsarp dosha

Kalasarpa dosham is caused do to the position of the Rahu and Ketu in the horoscope. The affected person has to struggle a lot to get success in life and marriage. The best remedies for Kalasarpa dosha are as follows:

1. Follow the remedial measures for both Rahu and Ketu.

2. Chant Mahamrityunjaya mantra given below:

"OM triyambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushTivardhanam,

urvarukamiva bandhanan mrrityormokshiya mamrritat".  

Rahu Dosha Remedies

In general, Rahu carries the positive and beneficial tone of Jupiter and hence stands for growth and development and self help while Ketu expresses the restrictions and obstacles of Saturn and hence thought to restrict growth. In this way Rahu represents positive objectives and Ketu denotes the easy way out with little opportunity for growth. Thus Rahu signifies materialism and desires, whereas Ketu signifies spiritual tendencies and process of the refinement of materialization to spirit but obstacles in the material realm. Rahu is considered to be wile, deceitful and dishonest. After all, Rahu did succeed in tricking Vishnu in serving him immortal nectar. Therefore, Rahu is described as a liar, foul mouth and full of criticism about others. He creates psychiatric disorders and other diseases of mind, especially when conjunct with Moon. However, if well placed in one's horoscope, Rahu gives courage, prestige and fame. It can bring out extraordinary qualities in terms of supernatural in an individual.

Ketu Dosha Remedies

Ketu is considered both malefic and benefic, as it causes sorrow and loss, and yet at the same time it turns the individual to God and the final liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, Ketu is an indicator of intelligence, wisdom, non-attachment, penetrating insight, derangement, and psychic abilities. Despite of such negative characteristics, we survive with the wrath of these evil planets because they are bound to affect one or more houses in our horoscopes.


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